.global have two big announcements to make, the release of 2-letter domains and their second sunrise, both highly important for businesses and brand owners to prepare for and be aware of. Find out more below:
1. 2-letter domains: .global have now released all 2-letter domains, except for the ISO-combinations. The released names can be found in the premium names list on the .global website: http://www.go.global/names-space.php
2. Second sunrise: Names that were previously blocked due to name collision concerns, and for which there is a corresponding mark in the Trademark Clearinghouse, will be released during an Exclusive Registration Period, starting January 16th. The list of names that will go into the second sunrise is also available here: http://www.go.global/names-space.php
Interested in offering .global domains to your customers, then get in contact us with us today to see what discounts we have available this month.