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News – June 2015

Change of policies at .SO The Somali Ministry of Post and Telecommunications have decided to manage .SO ccTLD through SONIC directly. Current provider GMO will cease to manage .SO from 8th July, 2015. In conjunction with the move, the Registry will implement new policies that will significantly modify registration eligibility and introduce new restrictions on content […]

Ascio SSL Update

This summer Ascio will be launching a new substantial update to our SSL service, so here is a quick update on what it entails… Coming soon, you will be able to offer a wide variety of SSL certificates via both our Ascio Web Service and Ascio Partner Portal. The Ascio SSL service will be completely […]

News Update – Richard leaving

Ascio is sad to announce that our colleague, Richard Jacobsen, is leaving us. After 8 great years with Ascio he has decided to move back to his homeland, the Faroe Islands, to continue to work within the IT industry outside of the direct domain name sphere. Ascio Managing Director, Jørgen Christensen, had this to say, “I have […]

Ascio Update – Latest News

New Key Account Manager at Ascio in Munich! We are delighted to announce that Martin Paulusch (picture) decided to join Ascio’s sales team in Munich as of February 1st to help boost our business in Germany. Martin is a seasoned industry expert with more than 10 years’ experience in the domain industry. Not only that, […]

Verisign increases prices for .net

VeriSign, Inc. (Verisign) will be increasing the fee charged domain names effective 1 February 2015.: From the aforementioned date, Verisign’s fee for each annual increment of a new and renewal .net domain name registration and for each transfer of a .net domain name registration from one ICANN-accredited registrar will increase by 10%, exclusive of […]

.global 2-letter domains and second sunrise

.global have two big announcements to make, the release of 2-letter domains and their second sunrise, both highly important for businesses and brand owners to prepare for and be aware of. Find out more below: 1. 2-letter domains: .global have now released all 2-letter domains, except for the ISO-combinations. The released names can be found […]

New Website & NPS for Ascio

Our New Website is here! Over the past few months we have been working on creating a new website, and now we are delighted to announce that the site is officially launched! With a fresh new look and improved navigation, we hope to be able to allow you to find the information you need more […]

.Berlin Street Names Released!

dotBERLIN will make available over 16.000 domains with street and place names such as, and mü  They will become available for registration on December 9, 2014, at 11:00:00 UTC. The full list can be downloaded here here: . Names not on this list and not registered yet, will become available at a […]

Sweden gets a new domain extension – COM.SE

If you didn’t already know, on October 15 the new domain suffix .COM.SE was launched, free for anyone to register. As many of you may be aware of, the TLD .SE already includes some sub level domains (for example, and even county letters like O.SE). Examples of sub domains which is registered;, […]

Ascio is attending ICANN 49 and WHD Global – Come and meet us!

ICANN 49 in Singapore is coming up on March 23-27 2014 and the Ascio team will be attending. ICANN Singapore will focus on issues affecting Internet policy and ICANN’s continuing involvement in this arena, as well as hot topics like the New gTLD Program and Name Collision. ICANN also writes on their blog that “ICANN Singapore […]