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ICANN finalized changes to the Registration Data Policy, which sets data processing requirements for gTLDs. Domain registrars and registries are required to comply with the updated Policy by August 2025.

Many of the new Registration Data Policy requirements are already in place at Ascio and other registrars: We redact registration data from the public Whois by default and provide a method for third parties to contact the domain owner. 

Over the coming months, Ascio will implement additional changes to ensure we’re fully compliant. In this post, we cover all changes relevant to Ascio reseller partners and key dates for updates.

We’ll collect a reduced minimum data set

In 2018, we reduced the minimum registrant data set we collect and hold to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). ICANN’s updated RDP lets us collect an even smaller list of data. We’ll stop collecting the administrative, billing, and technical contact sets unless specifically required by the registry. 

Here’s a comparison of what we currently collect and the reduced set we plan to collect starting June 30, 2025:

Table with Bordered Cells
Current minimum data set  New minimum data set 
Domain NameDomain Name
Registrant NameRegistrant Name
Registrant Organization (Optional)Registrant Organization (Optional)
Registrant StreetRegistrant Street
Registrant CityRegistrant City
Registrant State/Province (Optional) Will be offered to collect (only required to be collected if applicable for the country or territory, as defined in UPU postal addressing standards or other equivalent standards for the country or territory).
Registrant Postal Code Will be offered to collect (only required to be collected if applicable for the country or territory, as defined in UPU postal addressing standards or other equivalent standards for the country or territory).
Registrant CountryRegistrant Country
Registrant PhoneRegistrant Phone
Registrant FaxWill no longer be collected
Registrant EmailRegistrant Email
Administrative, Billing, and Technical ContactsWill no longer be collected

It’s important to note that this is the minimum data set we’ll collect by default. In some cases, our contract with the registry will require us to collect additional data. For example, .law domains require a number of data fields demonstrating the registrant is an accredited lawyer.

What this means for resellers

Although we recommend that resellers collect the minimum data set, we will not reject orders if a reseller collects and provides us with additional data beyond this minimum data set. However, we will not retain or store any additional data beyond the minimum data set and specific additional data required by the registry for that TLD. 

We will delete administrative, tech, and billing contact data

Soon after August 21, 2025, we will delete administrative, technical, and billing contact data, as well as the registrant fax number, from our systems unless the registry specifically requires that data. In rare cases where the registrant contact info is incomplete, we’ll copy the admin contact info to the registrant contact fields before deleting the administrative data.

What this means for resellers

Once this data is deleted, you will no longer have access to it through Ascio. If this is data you rely on, you’ll want to securely save it elsewhere.

Requirement for domains where the registrant is an “Organization”

We will contact registrants who have entered data into the Organization field, asking that they review this data and update it if it is no longer correct. If Organization information is provided, the Organization would be considered the domain owner instead of the person listed in the registrant’s first and last name fields. Registrants may also choose to leave the Organization field blank.

While we always redact registration data by default until the domain owner consents to publish it, there may be some instances in which registries choose to display the Organization data in the public Whois.

What this means for resellers

We typically don’t reach out to registrants directly, but we’re now required to do so based on the updated RDP. This gives registrants a chance to review and correct their data, helping to prevent future disruptions for both resellers and registrants.

Important dates

  • April 30, 2025 – A testing environment will be available for resellers to preview the changes for select TLDs.
  • June 30, 2025 – We will begin updating our system TLD by TLD, requiring only the minimum data set for new registrations.    
  • August 21, 2025 – Registrars and registries will need to be compliant with the updated ICANN RDP.  

Next steps

As more information becomes available, we’ll reach out to you well in advance. We’ll notify the email associated with your reseller account, and we’ll also include updates in our general newsletter—click here to sign up.