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Ascio’s TMCH Extended Service uses advanced domain name monitoring technology to offer superior protection to trademark holders.

What is TMCH?

The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) is a centralized repository where brand names can register their trademark, in order to be alerted when a newly registered domain infringes upon it. The trademark holder can then take the appropriate steps to protect their brand.

It presents two main benefits:

  • Trademark holders have priority access during the launch of Trademark holders have priority access during the launch of new TLDs. During this “sunrise period”, they can register their trademarked domain name under the new TLD, before registrations are open to the general public. new TLDs. During this period, they can register their trademarked domain name under the new TLD, before registrations are open to the general public.  
  • Trademark holders also have the option to be notified when someone registers a domain name that matches their record in the TMCH.

Ascio works closely with both the TMCH and ICANN to ensure the implementation and operation TMCH adds value, meets IP rights holders’ needs, and, above all, keeps our partners’ customers one step ahead.

Why register for Trademark Clearinghouse through Ascio?

Ascio’s offers benefits that your customer’s simply don’t get if they register directly with the Trademark Clearinghouse.

Service Service details Direct Ascio
Service Pre-validation Service details During many past TLD launches over 50% of all sunrise registrations have failed due to incorrect rights details being used. Ascio pre-validates all objects before they are placed into the TMCH to minimise failure and help your customers avoid resubmission costs. Direct Ascio
Service Security and storage Service details Ascio securely stores all sunrise codes, ensuring rights holders can maintain and review their portfolio in one place, reducing the need to manage information across multiple systems. Direct X Ascio
Service Automatic renewal Service details Ascio will automatically renew all TMCH objects ensuring rights holders maintain the valuable services of the TMCH while reducing administration. Direct X Ascio
Service Proof of use validation Service details Ascio automatically alerts rights holders when they must provide proof-of-use of their trademark to ensure the continuation of TMCH services. Direct X Ascio
Service Revalidation Service details Ascio revalidates TMCH objects prior to renewal in the TMCH and alerts the rights holders of any needed corrections prior to the TMCH issuing updates. Direct X Ascio
Service Automatic use in sunrise launches Service details Ascio systems apply sunrise codes and ownership details to all sunrise launches customers wish to participate in, reducing administrative costs and burden for your customers. Direct X Ascio
Service Trademark claims notices Service details Ascio delivers claims notices to multiple email addresses ensuring organisations are always informed of potential infringing registrations and reducing the single point of failure in the TMCH direct model, which alerts only one email contact. Direct Ascio

Ascio’s TMCH Extended Service

In addition to the Ascio-only benefits listed above, we also offer an extended version of our TMCH solution that offers superior protection in two important ways.

Service Service details Direct Ascio
Service Extension of registration monitoring Service details The TMCH is only intended to provide claims notices during the first 60-90 days of operation following any new gTLD launch. Ascio will extend this service by monitoring all known TLD databases (new and old) and providing notice of potential infringements beyond the service of the TMCH. Direct X Ascio
Service Extension of the exact match rule Service details The TMCH will only provide notices of potential infringements on exact match registrations, formatted like this: trademark.tld. The Ascio service extends these rules to provide visibility on potential infringements in registrations that use the trademark as part of longer registration strings. Direct X Ascio